SHALL       -    WILL          -    MUST      -     MAY           -     CAN

SHOULD    -    WOULD     -        X          -     MIGHT      -    COULD

Caractéristiques de tous les modaux:

1. Ils sont invariables: ils ne changent pas selon le sujet.

2. Ce sont des opérateurs

  1. -ils se placent entre le sujet et le verbe dans les phrases affirmatives :

          I can speak English.

  1. -ils prennent la négation:

          I can’t ( = cannot ) speak German.

  1. -ils passent avant le sujet pour les questions:

          Can you speak Italian?

3. Ils expriment une modalité: ce que pense celui qui parle, son jugement personnel, son évaluation:

ce qui est possible, probable, interdit, obligatoire, ce qu’on devrait faire.......


au présent exprime:

  1. a)la capacité: ce que je sais ou peux faire parce que j’en suis capable:

        He can speak English.

  1. +avec les verbes de perception ( voir, entendre):

        Can you hear me now?

  1. b)la permission/autorisation: à la famille/aux amis:             

        Can you lend me your car, Dad?

  1. c)ce qui est possible: je l’ai constaté/c’est autorisé/j’en ai le temps/               l’opportunité/la capacité

        Yes, you can park here.


au présent exprime ( le contraire de CAN):

a) l’incapacité

        He can’t speak a single word of English.

        (= il ne sait pas parler un seul mot d’anglais)

  1. b)refuser la permission: interdiction

        You can’t go out tonight!

        (= Tu ne peux pas sortir ce soir)

  1. c)impossibilité/improbabilité   

    He can’t have done that!

    (= Il est impossible qu’il ait fait ça)


au passé exprime la même chose que CAN: capacité dans le passé

  1. +le reproche :

        You could do it yourself!( = Tu pourrais le faire toi-même)

  1. +le souhait:

        If only I could stay. (= Si seulement je pouvais rester.)

  1. +probabilité faible:

        Could it be true? ( = Se pourrait-il que ce soit vrai?)

  1. +la suggestion:

        We could go to the movies.

+ capacité hypothétique: prétérit modal de can:

        He could give you a pay rise if he wanted to.

        (= Il pourrait te donner une augmentation s’il le voulait)


au passé exprime la même chose que CAN’T : incapacité dans le passé


au présent et au passé exprime:

  1. a)obligation:

  2. b)c’est celui qui parle qui décide de rendre les choses obligatoires pour le sujet auquel il s’adresse. C’est lui qui impose l’obligation.

     Dans ce cas MUST est réduit: on le prononce: [ m y s ]

         You must switch off your mobile= it’s my order. 

  1. b)forte probabilité:

    celui qui parle pense qu’il y a de fortes chances pour qu’il dise vrai ,il est sûr de  

    lui. Dans ce cas MUST  se prononce: [ m y s t] :

         She doesn’t answer her mobile, she must be at work.


au présent et au passé exprime: l’ INTERDICTION émanant de l’énonciateur

        You mustn’t smoke here.

        ( = Tu ne dois pas fumer ici = je te l’interdis)


a) éventualité, probabilité moyenne: il se peut que

        She may be interested.

        (= il se peut qu’elle soit intéressée, il y a des chances)

b) permission, autorisation ( plus poli que CAN ou COULD)

        May I ask you a question?

        (= Puis-je vous poser une question?)


a) éventualité, probabilité faible: plus faible qu’avec MAY = il se pourrait que

        She might be interested .

        (= il se pourrait qu’elle soit intéressée, mais je ne peux rien affirmer)

b) permission très polie

c) prétérit modal de MAY, valeur de permission atténuée: suggestion

        You might try to meet him.

        ( = Tu pourrais essayer de le rencontrer.)


  1. a)faire une offre: auxiliaire du futur pour la forme interrogative lorsqu’on demande un  avis, un conseil, pour proposer ses services: 

        Shall I help you?

        (=veux-tu que je t’aide?)

        Shall we go to the cinema?

        (= et si nous allions au cinéma)

b) contrainte exercée par l’énonciateur:

        He shall do it whether he likes it or not.

        (= Il le fera que cela lui plaise ou non)


a) auxiliaire du futur simple ( contracté :’ll):

        I’ll go to England soon.

        (= j’irai bientôt en Angleterre)

  1. b)volonté/ choix: 

        Will you carry this please?

        (= voulez-vous porter ceci s’il vous plaît?)

         I will do as I please.

        (= je ferai ce qui me plaît)


  1. a)auxiliaire du conditionnel, hypothèse:

        I would do it if I could.

        (= je le ferais si je pouvais.)

b) volonté/choix dans le passé:

        I tried to stop him but he would go on.

        (= j’ai essayé de l’arrêter, mais il a voulu continuer)

c) expression du potentiel après I WISH:

        I wish he would come tomorrow.

        (= j’aimerais qu’il vienne demain)

  1. d)le souhait

        I would like to comme with you.

        (= j’aimerais venir avec toi.)

  1. e)requête polie:

        Would you agree to play with us?

  1. f)action répétée dans le passé:

        We would go to the movies from time to time.


  1. a)conseil de faire. On prononce [Hud ]

        You look ill, you should see a doctor!

  1. b)reproche:

        You should have told us.

       ( = Tu aurais du nous le dire.)


au présent celui qui parle exprime un conseil de ne pas faire.

        You shouldn’t smoke so much.



A. Lisez le texte et pour chacun des groupes de mots soulignés choisissez la traduction qui convient.

He could be (1) an angel, so enchanting when he chose. And when he wasn't an angel, there was always a reason; but one had to know him (2) in order to see the reason. Probably, they wouldn't be able to (3) see the reason. They had been away so long, they might have forgotten (4) what he was like. She alone knew him and loved him. And one day she would have to leave him (5).

1. a) Il pourrait être.b) Il aurait pu être.    c) Il pouvait être.

2. a) On l'aurait connu.b) Il fallait le connaître.    c) On l'avait connu.

3. a) Ils ne pourraient pas.b) Ils ne devaient pas              c) Ils ne pouvaient pas.

  1. 4.a) Ils avaient du oublier.b) Il se pourrait qu'ils oublient.  

                                                                                c) Il se pouvait qu'ils aient oublié.

  1. 5.a) Elle devait le quitter.b) Elle devrait le quitter.   

                                                                                c) Elle pourrait le quitter.

B. Utilisez un modal ou son équivalent au temps et à la forme qui conviennent.

1. Ask your Mum about your problem; she should …………….……………. help you.

2. He knows a lot about films; he ……..……. go to the cinema a lot, that's certain.

3. We've only just had lunch; you ……………………………….. be hungry already !

4. I'm not sure, but she ………………………………… be ill.

5. I don't want anybody to know about it; you ………………………………. tell anyone.

6. I stayed in bed this morning; as it was my day off, I …………………. go to work.

7. She's been coughing a lot recently; she ………………………………. smoke so much.

C. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets coupled with a modal.

     Attention must be paid to the necessary adjustments.

1. He isn't here today. he …………..…………………… ill, otherwise he'd be here. (be)

2. They …………………..…………………… tomorrow, I really can't tell. (come)

3. They ………… to their grandmother on her birthday, now it's too late. (write)

4. Bruce …………  his exam; we hope so but we haven't heard from him yet. (pass)

5. I ………………… my umbrella at school, I can't find it. What a nuisance! (leave)

D. Complétez à l'aide d'un modal afin que la phrase ait un sens logique. Chacun ne sera employé qu'une fois.

1. You …………………..………… take your coat, I've sent it to the dry-cleaner's.

2. You …………………..………… take your coat, it's warm enough.

3. You …………………..………… take your coat, it might get colder later on.

4. You ……………………… take your coat if you like, I've sewn on the missing button.

5. You …………………..………… take your coat, it is ten below zero.

E. Reformulez les phrases suivantes à l'aide d'un modal en utilisant l'amorce donnée et en conservant le sens global.

1. If I were you I wouldn't drive without your parents’ permission. 

You ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

2. Perhaps Fred saw the Porsche.

Fred …………………..………………………………………………………………………………………..

3. I'm sure that doctor's children are very rich.

That doctor's children …………………………………………………………………………………….

4. I'm sure they didn't leave without saying goodbye, they're far too polite.

They ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………

F. Les éléments suivants doivent être insérés dans les espaces vides et mis à la forme qui convient selon le contexte (attention aux temps). Tous les éléments doivent être utilisés une seule fois.

have to / have got to / be to / should / should have / must have /

must be + -ing

Mary was sitting in the park expecting Paul who ……………………………………. (meet) her there at four. She ……………………………………. (be) twenty year old at the time. She was quite surprised when she saw him hurry across the park at three thirty. "We ……………………………………. (talk)", he said. "I'm afraid we'll ……………………………………. (make) new arrangements for the wedding. I don't think we can afford the trip to Venice we had planned together." "You ……………………………………. (joke) ! You ……………………………………. (tell) me before !" He suddenly looked terribly depressed and said reproachfully, "You ……………………………………. (be) more understanding."

G. Rephrase the following sentences starting as indicated.

1. I regret having bought this car.

                I wish …………………………………………………………………………………………….

2. She would prefer him not to drive so fast.

                She had rather ………………………………………………………………………………

3. The plane did not fly high enough.

                The plane should …………………………………………………………………………

4. They are in the habit of spending their holidays at the seaside.

                They are used to …………………………………………………………..………………

5. I refuse to believe that he did the job alone.

                He cannot ……………………………………………………………………………………..

6. I regret having lied to him.

                I wish …………………………………………………………………………………………….

7. It's not necessary for you to train every day.

                You ………………………………………………………………………………………………

8. It's almost sure he was bitten by a stray dog.

                He ………………………………………………………………………………………………..

H. Compléter avec différents auxiliaires modaux ou formes de substitution aux formes et temps qui conviennent:

1. As I did not have enough money, I ………………………….. not buy another record.

2. You …………………………………….. play more quietly, your Dad is sleeping.

3. We …………………………………….. leave, as there were no tickets for us.

4. Her shoes are too old, she …………………………………….. buy a new pair.

5. He says he is strong, he …………………………………….. carry the suitcase himself.

6. All the plates are dirty, you ……………………………….. do the washing-up again.

7. I am afraid you ………………………….. practise more often, you are not very good.

8.  …………………………………….. you help me please?

9. As we were on foot, we …………………………………….. leave the party early.

10. As she was a woman, she …………….. not ……………………….. enter the mosque.

11. Now that you are eighteen you …………………………………….. drive.

12. I …………………………………….. finish that book before tomorrow.

13. When he was younger he …………………………………….. lift things easily.

14. You are too fat, you …………………………………….. not eat so much.

15. If my school results were better I …………………………….. go on holiday with her!

I. Transformer les phrases de façon à utiliser CAN, MUST  OU MAY:

1. Perhaps it will be easier. ……………………………………..………………………………………

2. It is impossible, he is not a French teacher!…………………..………………………………

3. Perhaps it will snow during the night.…………………..………………………………………

4. They will probably be strong enough to do it.…………………..……………………………

5. I would like to borrow your ladder, please.…………………..………………………………

  1. 6.This girl is probably English. …………………..…………………………………………………

J. Transformer les phrases de façon à utiliser CAN'T HAVE, MUST HAVE  OU MAY HAVE

1. It is impossible! He has not caught the plane in time.


2. I think they have registered their luggage.


3. Well, perhaps they have changed their minds.


4. They have probably filled their immigration forms by now.


5. Perhaps she has looked at the map.


6. It is impossible, they didn't come back so late in the evening!


7. I am sure she has paid her fare.


8. Perhaps he has built it himself, after all.


9. She has probably heard the news.


10. It is impossible, they have not run out of petrol!


K. Mettre les phrases au futur:

1. Can he walk with a stick?


2. I can watch TV in the evening.


3. Who can translate it for me?


4. I am sure you can't reach the top, you are too weak.


L. Compléter à l’aide du modal qui convient:

1. I’m sorry but I ………………………………………. come tonight. ( impossibilité)

2. He ………………………………… sing very well when he was young. ( capacité)

3. You ………………………………………. go to school until you’re 16. ( obligation)

4. Look at your hair! You ……………………….. go to the hairdresser’s. ( conseil)

5. You ………………………………………. borrow this CD if you like. ( permission)

6. When  I was 15,  I ………………………. go out at night. ( refus de permission)

7. If you want to succeed, you ……………………. learn your lessons (obligation)