Nom du personnage


-Pseudo, surnom :

-Profession :

-Etudes :

-Milieu social d’origine:

-Son enfance :

-Situation familiale, situation maritale :


-Son oeuvre / son action :

-Importance de son oeuvre :

-Etapes de sa vie :

-Problèmes rencontrés :

-Récompenses reçues :

-Personnes qu’il a rencontrées :


-Date de naissance :

-Date de décès :

-Date de ses oeuvres :

-Période, contexte :

Situation politique,

Personnages importants,

Courants artistiques


-Causes/ raisons

de son action :

-Comment est-il

devenu célèbre :


-Lieu de naissance :

-Résidence(s), lieu(x)

de vie :

-Ses voyages :

-Lieu de décès :

                         Biographie de ...................................................
Son époque
Date de naissance : ..............................................................................................
Date de sa mort : ...................................................................................................
Age de sa mort : ....................................................................................................
Cause de sa mort : ................................................................................................
Lieu de naissance (ville et pays):........................................................................... 
Lieu(x) de vie : ......................................................................................................

Evénements importants qui ont eu lieu à ce moment là:

Sa vie, sa famille, ses influences:
Comment vivait sa famille ? .................................................................................
Etait-elle riche ou pauvre ou entre les deux ? .....................................................
Mariage, enfants? : ..............................................................................................
Où vit/vivait-il/elle?: ...........................................................................................
Quelqu'un a-t-il eu une influence importante dans sa vie ? Comment ? ............................................................................................................
A t-il été reconnu et célèbre de son vivant ? ........................................................

Son oeuvre 
Quand et comment a-t-il commencé son oeuvre ?
Quelle est l'importance de son oeuvre ? Pourquoi?
Quels	artistes ou	autres	personnages l'ont influencé?
Titres de ses oeuvres les plus connues : 
Ce qu'on dit aujourd'hui (livres, revues, encyclopédies en ligne, sites internet) Son oeuvre est-elle toujours appréciée aujourd'hui ?

Exemple 1:          A BIOGRAPHY  :     MARTIN LUTHER KING  Jr    (1929 -1968 )

Martin Luther King Jr  was born in Atlanta ( Georgia ) on January the 15th, 1929.  He grew up in Georgia where he attended segregated public schools. He graduated from high school at the age of fifteen; he received the B. A. degree in 1948 from Morehouse College, a distinguished Negro institution of Atlanta. He continued his studies and completed his doctorate in 1953.
He became a pastor. In 1953 he married Coretta Scott,  then he moved to Montgomery. He had two sons and two daughters. In 1955, after the Rosa Parks incident, the Civil Rights Movement asked him to help them in their fight against segregation and racism: he became the leader of the movement SCLC. He organized peaceful mass protests such as the 1963 March on Washington where he delivered his famous speech “ I have a dream”. He was deeply influenced by Gandhi’s message of non-violence. He was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. King was assassinated by a white man 
( James Earl  Ray) outside a hotel in Memphis ( Tennessee) in 1968.

  WORDBOX: to grow up  = grandir  - to attend = suivre les cours - 
  to graduate = obtenir un diplôme - segregated = où est appliquée la   
  ségrégation - to become = devenir - a pastor = un pasteur - to meet =  
  rencontrer - to move = déménager - peaceful = pacifique -
  a protest = une manifestation - a speech = un discours - deeply =  
  profondément - to award = décerner/attribuer -

Exemple 2:            A BIOGRAPHY   :         JIMI HENDRIX  ( 1942 - 1970 )

His name was Jimi Hendrix. He was born on November 27th, 1942  in Seattle, Washington, USA. He grew up in the same town. His parents divorced when he was 9 and his mother died in 1958. He got his first guitar when he was 15 years old, it was an acoustic guitar and he had bought it for 5$. He never got married but supposedly had many girlfriends. 
He was an American guitarist, singer and songwriter ( he composed songs) whose guitar playing was a considerable influence on rock music. After initial success in Europe, he achieved fame in the United States following his 1967 performance at the Monterey Pop Festival. Later, Hendrix headlined the iconic 1969 Woodstock Festival where his played his version of the Star Spangled Banner. 
Hendrix helped develop the technique of guitar feedback with overdriven amplifiers. He was influenced by blues artists such as B.B. King, Muddy Waters, Howlin' Wolf, rhythm and blues and soul guitarists as well as by some modern jazz.
The name of his first group was: The King Kasuals. In 1964 he moved to New York city and he formed a new band: The Jimi Hendrix Experience. His most famous songs were : Hey Joe/Stone Free/Purple Haze. Hendrix won many of the most prestigious rock music awards in his lifetime, and has been posthumously awarded many more. 
He gave his last concert in Germany in 1970. He died on September 18th 1970.
Hendrix is widely known for and associated with the use of hallucinogenic drugs, most notably LSD, as were many other famous musicians and celebrities of that time. But he was not on hard drugs at the time of his death. His death in fact, is shrouded in mystery. Twenty-five years after the death of Jimi Hendrix, we still don't know the exact circumstances leading up to and surrounding his death. 

 WORDBOX: to grow up = gandir - to die = mourir- to get = obtenir - 
to buy = acheter - to achieve = atteindre - fame = gloire - to follow = suivre -  performance = spectacle - to headline = être en tête d’affiche -
to move = déménager -  a band = un groupe- most famous = les plus célèbres -
 to win  = gagner -  award =  récompense -  posthumously = à titre posthume-
widely = largement - use = emploi - hard drugs = drogues dures - 
shrouded in mystery = entourée de mytère - the death = la mort - 
leading up to = menant à